Sensation: nothing better
Year: 2023
Materials: metal, steel, plaster, video 11,5”

Have you ever been sleepless for a while? Maybe days, weeks, or months? Maybe for more? Then you have witnessed the sensation when the city, sounds and people around you deform into a formless mess of weariness. Hope slowly turns into a creeping fear of nightmares waiting and escape seems monstrous. This state has been shaped into metal and plaster, and the chards and reflections of the sleepless disorderly world radiate from within.

This installation was part of the Young Sculptor Prize exhibition organized by the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA). The jury gave the artwork the second-place award.

 Sensatsioon: ei midagi erilist

Meedium:  Teras, kips, video 11.5’’

Kas sa tead mis on uni? Oled ehk sinagi väsimuses triivinud… Näinud, kuidas linn ja selle helid, inimesed ja sina sulate kokku üheks ebaterveks akordiks. Su ümber avaneb väsimuse mikrouniversum, mille tükiline peegeldus haarab killukesi unest ja ilmsist. Unistad unest, kuid tead, Tema ootab sind seal. Väsimus varjuna alati kaasas,sammugi taganemata. Ärkvel olles unes ja unes ärkvel- Sensatsioon ei midagi erilist

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